Thursday, January 14

Vaccine update

If you watched my Townhall meeting (link to come) last night you might have noticed I was somewhat annoyed with the state. They decided to allow 65yo and older to be eligible to get the vaccine now. That’s great but what disturbed me was they did not communicate a plan on administering it.

Well, it looks like there is a plan. Sign up on Those without computers can call 211. You’ll get an email back soon after indicating you’re signed up. Then you wait. When you are picked to be eligible you will get another email with a link. It will allow you to make an appointment at any vaccination site in the state under state control. So, you can get it in another county, that’s ok.

They made 95K people eligible and the available appointments were quickly taken. The limit is, of course, the amount of vaccine.

I’m happy the state has a system. Sites, such as the one at RVCC in Somerset Co. inform the state of the amount of vaccine they have left and what appointment times are available. The state then puts those up and people can fill them. There are still some technical issues to be solved but there is a system in place.

I toured RVCC today. It is well run and efficient. The only surprise is once you get to RVCC it’s a long drive until you get to the site. I was glad to hear almost all of the workers there have been vaccinated so the risk is lowered for them getting it from you or giving it to you. Don’t show up without an appointment. You will be turned away.

The next challenge will be when we go to satellite sites. We need to do this. Many can drive to RVCC but many cannot. There are many challenges ahead, but many have been solved.

Today's cases

Read the pdf
