Saturday, March 22

Franklin reports a death

Sadly, Franklin is now reporting a death of the 73 yo male who was our first infected case. He had preexisting conditions. We have a total of 15 cases (including the person that died). Four new cases: 40 yo, 43 yo, 77 yo and a 9 yo.

PPE Donations Sought from Businesses

HILLSBOROUGH – Supplies of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are low due to the current public health crisis. As a result, Somerset County’s Office of Emergency Management is asking ‘nonessential’ businesses to donate their PPE supplies for the benefit of RWJ University Hospital Somerset and local first responders... [link]

An article from Science Daily

An article on Science Daily reports that the virus that causes COVID-19 remains for several hours to days on surfaces and in aerosols, a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found.

The study SUGGESTS that people may acquire the coronavirus through the air and after touching contaminated objects. Scientists discovered the virus is detectable for up to 3 hours in aerosols, up to 4 hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to 2 to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel.

Here is a link to the article. I have seen other papers report other things but NEJM is very prestigious.

New site: Residents Helping Residents

I asked Councilman Galtieri to set up a mechanism to help seniors during the crisis after Jonathan White suggested it. GOP Committee woman Michele Cortese Petersen was already on it and has joined forces. Rich Seamon was selected by me to help. They have formed RESIDENTS HELPING RESIDENTS

They are doing this in steps. If you need help go to the Resident in Need Form

Our community is organizing a grass roots effort to help Franklin Township residents in need. If you need help during this COVID-19 crisis, please fill out the form below and someone will contact you. We will do our best to reach out to everyone in need. This is a work in progress. It will take a little time before they are out there. Trying to find people in need in Franklin is the current step.

A checklist for social distancing.

A couple of days ago I posted my checklist of how to act when encountering others (modified here).
  3. Read 1 and 2 again
  4. Do what 3 says

Apparently, I have to go farther. I witnessed two people, who I know had read my post, interact. They were exchanging an item and while they didn’t touch, they we at pre-COVID spacing. I asked one after would she have gotten that close if she knew the other was infected. She said yes. Wrong answer!

Six-foot separation people, six feet. Respiratory droplets can transmit the virus and can travel six feet. I know there are times when six feet is impossible (when I examine patients for instance – but from now on I’ll be using a mask). It’s not a perfect world but make every effort to comply and enforce it with others. If they get closer tell them “six feet”.

I think I offended someone yesterday when they tried to shake my hand. Oh well. I’d rather be considered rude than dead.

BTW the person who gave me the wrong answer … my wife. Six feet Laurie, six feet!

What's still open

Governor Murphy’s Executive Order directs the closure of all non-essential retail businesses to the public, with the exceptions of:

From Franklin School Superintendent Dr. John A. Ravally

As a result of the newest executive order we are amending our food service plan starting this week. We will be opening our distribution schools (EAS, PGM, HILL & FMS@HSC) on Mondays and Thursdays only from 9:30am – 11:30am and will bulk distribute 3-days worth of Breakfast/Lunch Go Packs for those in need. This will help limit exposure and reduce risk for food service staff as well as those coming to pick up food. Also, we are adding to our plan deliveries throughout town using 6 – 10 school buses who will travel around town stopping at strategically determined bus stops in order to reach those students who might be farther out and beyond walking distance from our distribution sites. The busses will run their designated routes between 9:00am – 11:00am and will run on Mondays and Thursdays only and they will delivering 3-day breakfast/lunch Go Packs, the same that are being distributed at our sites. We need time to set the bus routes so bus delivery begins this Thursday. Also we will not be distributing by bus or at distribution sites the week of our scheduled Spring Break April 6 – April 13 but we do intend on providing extra food to families just prior to Spring Break to help carry them through. We will pick up our schedule on Tuesday, April 14th and after that get back on our Thursday – Monday schedule.

Our distribution sites on distribution days will have only limited personnel (2 lunch servers, 1 Security Officer, 2 custodians). Busses will have 1 driver and 1 bus paraprofessional. On days, we are not distributing building access to all buildings will be limited to custodians with 2 custodians per site on any given shift to maintain boilers and complete hourly building checks.

Also, just an FYI – we have arranged to distribute Chromebooks to students in need of one tomorrow, Sunday March 22nd. We organized the distribution through a signup the last few days and will be distributing from 11:00am – 1:00pm from 5 schools – (Claremont, PGM, Conerly, FHS, FMS@HSC). We have a limited number of staff manning these sites 8 -10 staff and have instructed them to practice social distancing and distribution will be similar to how we have been distributing food at a distance. This will help us to carry-out the next phase of our remote learning plan and will be the last time we will be bringing community to schools except for food pick up until we officially open our doors again.

Please contact me if you have questions and thanks for all you are doing!

Dr. John A. Ravally
Franklin Twp. Public Schools
